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  • Proton news
Since Proton Mail beta was launched 3 days ago, we have been met with a overwhelming response from around the world. In fact, the response was a little too overwhelming as we have completely maxed out our server capacity. As a result, we are sad to a
  • Proton news
To further protect the Proton Community, Proton Mail utilizes only high-strength ciphers for SSL and TLS. We are posting our ciphersuite configurations for Postfix and Apache here for reference, we recommend all system administrators adopt these set
  • Proton news
January 12th 2015 update: As part of the version 1.12 deploy, we have improved our notification system.  You can now toggle notification on or off in the settings page while keeping the outside email for password recovery purposes.  If you have new
  • Proton news
UDPATE 5/19/2014: Due to very high demand, we have had to temporarily halt new user signups as we increase server capacity and security. For more information, click here. The long wait and anticipation is finally over! Today, we’re happy to announce
  • Proton news
Quite an exciting weekend, we finally got the interview date/time for our MassChallenge pitch. We will be pitching to the judges this coming Wednesday for a shot at entering the finals. MassChallenge is quite possibly the world’s largest start-up ac
  • Proton news
On Saturday, Proton Mail went to pitch at StartupJackpot Boston and managed to finish in second place out of the 15 teams that were picked to pitch. StartupJackpot is a new grass roots startup competition that is relatively new to the scene. The ide
  • Proton news
We are happy to announce the release of Proton Mail v1.04. As usual, please completely clear your browser cache to make sure you load the latest version of Proton Mail. Bug Fixes * Forwarded attachment is now taken into the calculation of storage
  • Proton news
Yesterday, Co-Founders Wei Sun and I had a brief opportunity to meet with renowned security expert Bruce Schneier at MIT. Bruce was around to give a talk for the MIT IEEE/ACM Joint Seminar Series and we were on campus to meet with a couple MIT based
  • Proton news
A couple days ago, one of the first reviews of Proton Mail showed up on the web, the review I’m referring to can be found here: We were actually a bit surprised t
  • Proton news
Over the weekend, we gave an exclusive interview to our friends at CryptoCoinsNews which has now been published here: The Bitcoin community has long been
  • Proton news
We are happy to announce the release of Proton Mail v1.03. This update contains a number of important security and functionality improvements. As usual, please completely clear your browser cache to make sure you load the latest version of Proton Mai