For Business

Swiss vault for your business passwords

Securely and easily share, store, and manage passwords for work.

Open source and GDPR compliant.

  • Trusted by

    50 000+ organizations

  • Featured in
    WSJGuardianTech CrunchForbes
  • Swiss based

Proton Pass makes advanced security simple

Simplify team access and collaboration

Proton Pass makes it easy for your team to securely share logins and control who has access to sensitive logins.

Security that's easy to use

Ensure your team adopts security best practices. Easily generate, save, and autofill secure and unique passwords for your team, with 2FA integration.

Advanced protection from Proton, a team you can trust

All Proton apps are open source and independently audited, meaning anyone can verify our tools work as described or read an expert’s assessment. Our unique security features help you stay one step ahead of attackers. Proton Sentinel combines machine learning with the Proton cybersecurity team’s insight to prevent account takeovers, even if the attacker has your password. Pass Monitor offers you insights on your organizations password health and emails involved in data breaches.

Get the security and features
your business needs

30-day money-back guarantee

Yearly limited time offer

  • Unlimited logins, notes and credit cards
  • Unlimited devices
  • Available for all platforms
  • Unlimited hide-my-email aliases
  • Integrated 2FA authenticator
  • Unlimited shared vaults with access permissions
  • Data hosted in Europe
  • Multiplatform & 24/7 support
All Pass Essentials features, plus:
  • Proton Sentinel
  • Require 2FA
  • SSO
  • Groups management

Pass Enterprise

Tailor-made solutions for larger organizations with custom needs.
Get in touch with our sales team

  • Mail
  • Calendar
  • VPN
  • Drive
  • Pass
Contact us

Protect your team.
Protect your business.

Unlimited devices and vaults

Regardless of how big your team is, Proton Pass lets you protect them all.

Secure password sharing

Send passwords securely with Proton’s end-to-end encryption technology.

24/7 support

Round-the-clock support ensuring you uninterrupted business operations.

Multi-platform support

Proton Pass makes logging in to your accounts secure and simple on all devices.

Unlimited logins, notes, and more

Protect all your login-related data, making it the single login security solution for your team.

Built-in 2FA authenticator

Proton Pass includes a 2FA code generator, allowing it to secure your entire login process.

Proton Sentinel

Advanced security to prevent account takeovers attacks, even if the attacker has your password.

Prevent phishing with hide-my-email aliases

Sign up for subscriptions with an alias to prevent your real email from being targeted with spam.

Protected by strong Swiss privacy law

Proton is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, meaning we’re subject to Swiss law. Switzerland is politically neutral and provides some of the world’s strictest data privacy laws.

Security through transparency

Proton was created by scientists who met at CERN, and we believe in open source and transparency. Just as scientists will only trust a result if they can replicate it, our open-source code is safer because the IT security community is continuously testing it.

End-to-end encrypted

We protect all your sensitive logins, passwords, and other information with end-to-end encryption. Your business’s data would remain secure even in the unlikely event of a breach.

Data privacy expertise

Proton Pass was built by the same team of cybersecurity experts that created Proton Mail, the world’s largest end-to-end encrypted email service. Our end-to-end encryption technology secures over 100 million Proton accounts, and has been battle-tested for a decade with Proton Mail.


Get the security and features your business needs

Proton Pass provides more security. Protect your business online with an included VPN service and end-to-end encrypted cloud storage.