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Secure password sharing with end-to-end encryption

The secure and easy way to share passwords with family, friends and colleagues.

Proton Pass makes it easy to share streaming service logins with your family and simple to share company accounts with your colleagues. Password Sharing in Proton Pass is a free and secure way to share sensitive information.

How does it work?


Choose the password or vault you want to share

Select the password or vault (a collection of items like logins, notes, and hide-my-email aliases) and enter the email address of the person you want to share it with.


Grant access

The person you invited accepts the invitation and gains access to the shared data.


Revoke access anytime, and changes sync automatically

When you change a shared item, it will automatically update for everyone you shared it with. You can also revoke access at any time with a single click.

    What makes Proton Pass unique?

    Like other Proton services, Proton Pass includes a unique combination of features that set it apart from all others.

    Share with multiple people, for free

    Proton Pass lets you share passwords with up to two other people for free. It’s free for you and the people you share with. Upgrade to Proton Pass Plus to share even more vaults with more people.

    More than just password

    Securely share not only passwords but also other sensitive information, such as credit cards, notes, and hide-my-email aliases.

    The new standard in safe sharing

    Proton Pass Secure Sharing is designed for today's world. With Proton Pass shared vaults, only people you authorize can access sensitive information.

    Cross-platform compatibility

    Access your shared vault conveniently from various devices and all major operating systems. You can switch between operating systems, browsers, or mobile devices, without losing access to your passwords.

    For seamless collaboration

    Allow effortless collaboration among team members by sharing passwords, secured notes, and payment information without compromising security.

    Real-time synchronization

    Instantly synchronize changes to all authorized devices, ensuring everyone has the most current information.

    Learn more about password sharing


    How to store and manage passwords safely

    Creating strong passwords is a good start, but you’ll also need to store them safely in a way that you can access when you actually need them, plus edit them and add new passwords when you sign up for new services.


    How to create strong passwords you’ll actually remember

    If there’s one thing protecting your personal, financial, and professional information from hackers, it’s your password. Reusing weak passwords is the main culprit in countless data breaches, even though it’s an extremely simple problem to fix.


    The Proton Pass security model

    Proton Pass is unique in that it was designed from the ground up to have a strong focus on privacy and security. It therefore has a more complete encryption model than most other password managers.

    Protect your data with Proton Pass

    Proton Pass is an open-source password manager that secures your passwords and identity with end-to-end encryption.