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We’re excited to introduce the new Proton Mail Feedback Forum(new window) where you can give us feedback and suggestions on new features that you want to see in Proton Mail. Since the beginning, we have built Proton Mail with usability as our main goal, and we’ve worked hard to make sure that each comment and suggestion is a part of our development process. Now you can vote, comment and post new ideas for Proton Mail to develop in the future through the Feedback Forum. FeedbackForumYou can access the Feedback Forum(new window) directly from the Knowledge Base(new window) through the “Request Feature” button, as well as on the footer of our Homepage. To give feedback, simply type out your idea in the “Enter your Idea” form. You can vote on ideas other users have submitted and see how many votes each idea has received. In general, we will try to build the features which are the most requested. In order to avoid duplicates, we suggest trying to search first before submitting a new feature to ensure that it has not been submitted already.

We’re happy to have found a new way to include your voice in our development and we look forward to getting your feedback. With your help, we hope to make Proton Mail even better and easier to use.

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